The undersigned does hereby authorize any adult representative of Hillcrest Baptist Church to consent to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical, dental, or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care for the above-named minor which is deemed advisable by and to be rendered under the general or special supervision of any physician or surgeon licensed under the provisions of the MEDICAL PRACTICE ACT, or of any dentist licensed under the provisions of the DENTAL PRACTICE ACT. The authorization will remain effective at any time during which the above-named minor is in the care of Hillcrest Baptist Church from the dates: 03.01.25 through and including 12.31.25, unless revoked in writing by the undersigned. The undersigned does further release the above-named child to accompany and/or participate with the student minister and/or student leadership of Hillcrest Baptist Church on any trip/church activities that are designated as part of the curriculum for the Student Department programs. This includes, but is not limited to, Summer camp, Servolution projects, D-Now or any other church related events.