Why we do it ...
The goal of this prayer journey is to take you through a broad overview of the community that Hillcrest serves, to highlight areas that you may be unfamiliar with, to point out areas to serve and most importantly to supplicate to the Lord for our community and the places in it.
How to prepare for this prayer journey ...
Before going on this journey please take a moment to pray silently; ask God to open both your heart and your eyes to what you will encounter during the next hour. Pray that God will give you the strength to act on what He reveals to you, that this journey will be more than just an hour of prayer but instead that it will stir in you a motivation to care for your community, and that He will open your eyes to the needs of people and equip you to fulfill them in the future.
How to get started ....
Scroll to the map that your team is headed to, read through the information and then click on the directions button to take you to your destination!
Hillcrest Main
Our journey begins at our Main Campus. The church has been at this location for 60+ years. In the last decade the church has developed a reputation as one that serves the community. We know, live and share the gospel across the street, across the state and across the seas.
- Pray for continued faithfulness of our Hillcrest partners
- Pray for missional mindsets as we into our community and neighborhoods
- Pray for those in our lives who are far from God to grow close to Him
Town of Sharon and HGSE
This is the Town of Sharon! From Brownie's you can see the bulk of Sharon; the fire department, city hall and the Sharon Grill are all staples. Sharon is home to many partners of the congregation and houses one of our biggest events all year - The Sharon Block Party that we hold at the end of Servolution. If you continue down 97 you will ride by JB Comer Baseball Field; this baseball field is seen as the town limit of Sharon. Eventually you will pass Hickory-Grove Sharon Elementary School, where not only do some of our students attend, but we also have partners of the congregation on staff. Hillcrest is continually working to gain a presence in our schools through service and programs like RTBE. The Town of Sharon is important to Hillcrest because this is where our ministry began and where we have faithfully served for years. Hillcrest has memories serving in the park, at the Hill building, and at the community center. We have fed this community when needed and have invited them to celebrate with us each year!
- Pray for this community, the people we serve and that they continue to welcome us with open hearts as we serve
- Pray for our partner The Town of Sharon and the Sharon FD
- Pray for our students and parents at Hickory-Grove Sharon Elementary
York One Academy/YPP/
Neighborhood Triangle
York One Academy is the school districts alternative school for children who are unable to attend any of the other schools due to behavior issues, mental health challenges, among other things. Right beside it sits the York Parenting Partnerships building which is a resource and offers a family support program that targets families with children from birth to age 5; they help families in a multitude of ways. We have been able to assist some of these families through Servolution over the years and our Hillcrest Groups serve here as well.
Surrounding this are are communities that have high arrest rates due to drugs and violence. As new developments are pushing older communities into this triangle, we will see needs rise that we may be able to meet. During times of desperation people seek the Lord and we have been and want to continue to be able to serve these communities as ambassadors for Christ. This area is important to Hillcrest because we value struggling people; whether it is a child or an adult that needs help. We love and partner with our community partners who are actively helping these communities get their needs met. We love desperate people; some people do not need us for anything more than prayer, while others have very specific needs that we can and have been able to meet.
Surrounding this are are communities that have high arrest rates due to drugs and violence. As new developments are pushing older communities into this triangle, we will see needs rise that we may be able to meet. During times of desperation people seek the Lord and we have been and want to continue to be able to serve these communities as ambassadors for Christ. This area is important to Hillcrest because we value struggling people; whether it is a child or an adult that needs help. We love and partner with our community partners who are actively helping these communities get their needs met. We love desperate people; some people do not need us for anything more than prayer, while others have very specific needs that we can and have been able to meet.
- Pray for the students who will be coming in and out of these facilities; pray for their families and teachers. Pray that God will move in this place often!
- Pray that God will create opportunities for us to serve this area and in these Schools.
- Pray for the communities surrounding this area, that God may embolden our hearts to reach these communities .. and that because of this, people go from death to LIFE.
Located here on 321 we have Jefferson Elementary, York Middle School & York Intermediate School. These three schools range from kindergarten to 8th grade; this is where students grow and build their educational foundations. This area represents growth from one place to the next and helps students begin to comprehend transitions. This is a significant area for Hillcrest, because like other schools we have visited on this prayer journey it holds those who worship with us on, and those who are lost. We have an amazing relationship with YIS and are pushing to get more involved with YMS through programs like FCA and RTBE.
- Pray for our students boldness as we send them out to proclaim the good news to their peers.
- Pray that the Lord creates more opportunities for the church to become more involved in these formative years.
York High School is a beautiful campus that displays the standard of excellence in academics and sports. There is a gape in the world's standard of excellence and the story of God's grace in each individual student. This school averages 1500 students per year; a large portion of which does not attend church or truly have a relationship with Christ. This is the last sage that a student truly has before they are sent out to work or college where they are considered adults. This is a significant place for Hillcrest to reach students; we work through the FCA to make new connections and share the gospel!
- Pray for our students as this is where they are sent to go on mission dat in and day out during the school year.
- Pray that the students can hear and receive God's word for the purpose of His glory and that the church may be able to find more opportunity to minister to these students.
- Pray for opportunities for Hillcrest to play a role in the spiritual well being of students and teachers at the High School.
Tender Hearts/PATH/Community Partners
Tender Hearts and Path are local community partners that we serve alongside of. Although each ministry is uniquely different they both serve the unseen and marginalize people in our community. Tender Hearts does a number of things but their main ministries are their men's and women's shelter programs. These programs not only give a place to stay but provide a pathway to reestablishing themselves. Path provides care and support with utilities as well as a large food bank that feeds hundreds every month. We partner with ministries who share our values and do things that we cannot do ourselves. We send our people and Hillcrest groups to serve at both of these ministries as well as others. This is the best way to engage work already being done in our city and serve those who we may never get a chance to help otherwise.
- Pray for Tender Hearts programs as they help many get back on their feet.
- Pray for Path as they engage those who may need a little assistance to get by until they can catch a break.
City Hall
Here on Roosevelt Street we have the police department, fire department and city hall. This is where a majority of our first responders find themselves day in and day out. The preparation place to go out and protect the city. This is also the area where city council comes together to make decisions for the community. Hillcrest is currently partner with the police department and serves alongside them in a multitude of ways. We desire to be an asset to the city of York as we grow together.
- Pray for the first responders who go out every day to protect the citizens of York.
- Pray for our city council that God may give them wisdom to make decisions.
- Pray that Hillcrest can have opportunities to be called upon to serve when needed.
Hillcrest Sylvia/Downtown
The downtown campus at the Sylvia was planted and launched in January of 2023. This campus is hopefully the first of many churches planted by Hillcrest and its network of churches. This campus bridges the gap to downtown that we have needed for years. We are now in the middle of the community we are eager to serve. With multiple housing developments being built, York will outgrow every capacity of local churches. We are a church, mission outpost, movie theater, and community partner. Everything we do will reflect our values and mission!
- Pray for a growing outreach in our community.
- Pray for our leadership as a new church plant.
- Pray for connections with a community who need to us as a partner.
- Pray for the gospel to be communicated in everything we do.
Let's debrief...
- What was the most surprising stop on this journey?
- Where did you feel the Lord calling you to the most?
- Were there any common themes in your prayers as the day continued?
- What are some ways you as an individual can be on mission in the community?
- Would you be interested in doing a prayer walk weekly/bi-weekly/monthly through different areas of the community?
We took you to places that we are partnered with or have served. If you are looking to see more of York as a city, here are a list of points of interest and points of prayer.
Laundry Mat
Government building
Rec Dept.
York Place
Laundry Mat
Government building
Rec Dept.
York Place
Royal Inn
Wing King
Green House Coffee